Get Help From Our Domestic Violence Lawyers in Fredericksburg
Virginia has domestic violence laws that protect people that are abuse victims from suffering abuse at the hands of their partner or spouse. This includes male victims of domestic abuse. Domestic abuse can happen in the form of physical, psychological or sexual actions. And harassment and stalking behaviors, and destroying personal property, also file under domestic violence laws.
If you’re being abused, you’re on a high state of alert. You’re often fearful for you and the safety of your household members that you love. You may feel helpless and believe you can’t protect yourself from the abuser. Talk to a domestic violence lawyer in Fredericksburg about how Virginia domestic violence laws can protect you.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence in Virginia?
Acts of domestic violence can be committed by current or former spouses, a live-in partner or former live-in partners, someone with whom you share a child or a dating partner. Domestic violence can be a criminal act that warrants criminal prosecution and includes the following actions:
Reckless endangerment
Criminal trespassing
Property damage
Stalking (including cyber-stalking)
Violating a protective order
False imprisonment
Murder or manslaughter
Domestic violence can be very serious. Many abusers frequently threaten to abuse more if the abused victim reports the activity to the police, tries to leave them or seeks help.
Interfering with domestic violence laws (for example preventing someone from calling the police) is a crime and an abuser can be punished by law. If you're a victim you should call law enforcement and can work with a Fredericksburg domestic abuse attorney to exercise your rights.
And if you’re a man falsely accused of domestic violence you can’t afford to go it alone. To protect yourself, you must get a lawyer to defend false abuse allegations. Being convicted of an assault and battery against a famly member charge or being found to be a domestic abuser with permanent protective order (PPO) can torpedo your employment choices and right to carry a firearm.
Learn more about the Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

Virginia Laws that Help Domestic Violence Victims
Both the criminal and civil legal system in Virginia offer protection against domestic violence. If you’ve been falsely accused of domestic violence or are a victim of abuse, you will need to get assistance from the police or the court system. If you’re a victim, you can either bring criminal charges against your abuser or seek a civil protective order. If you’ve been falsely accused, you need to work with a domestic violence lawyer to mount your defense.
Consider the following options when determining your best next step.
Protective Orders
If you’re fearful of being harmed or harassed by your spouse or partner, you can seek a protective order from the court. A protective order is a civil decree that requires someone to stop any form of contact with the protective order holder. When you file for a protective order, you must provide documentation to support your request for one. If the court receives the right documentation, a temporary protective order (TPO) will be issued and served to the respondent by a sheriff. After about two weeks or 15 days, a hearing will be scheduled to determine whether a final or permanent protective order (PPO) will be handed down.

Criminal Charges
If you’re a man that’s been falsely accused of domestic violence and been thrown out of your home, you may have been charged with a crime. If you’ve been charged criminally, you need to defend your constitutional rights to a fair trial. Contacting a lawyer right away is critical. If you’ve been a victim of physical abuse, sexually assaulted, threatened with any type of weapon, or had your property damaged or stolen by your abuser, you can contact police to press criminal charges. You may have to testify in court to help the person get convicted. In between the time you call the police and and the criminal court hearing, a protective order can be issued to prevent your abuser from contacting or harming you while you await your court date.

​Federal protective order laws
According to federal law, if you are the subject of an active protective order, the protective order extends to wherever you travel in the country. A person found to be your abuser is not permitted to contact you in any part of the country.

Fredericksburg Domestic Abuse Attorney Tori Bramble Can Help
Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. It affects families of all incomes, age group, race and every type of neighborhood. If you’re a victim, you may be scared and afraid. If you’re being falsely accused, you’re probably shocked and angry. There is help available from the authorities and domestic abuse lawyers in Fredericksburg. At the Bramble Law Firm, our team understands the volatile, emotional nature of domestic violence cases. We’ve practically seen it all. A domestic violence lawyer in Fredericksburg can help you understand your rights, seek the help you need to fight false charges and refute lies that men often face or get out of harm’s way and get the protection you need to start your life over. We help with divorce and domestic abuse cases